Our Clubs
We are proud to have a number of domestic clubs operating within our association, providing opportunities for players of all ages and skill levels to participate in basketball.
Below you will find icons representing each of our domestic clubs.
Click on the links below to be directed to the relevant contact for each club's senior or junior delegate, or navigate to your club's home page.
Sunbury Braves
Junior Delegate: Tanya Wowk
- braves.junior_delegate@mail.com
Senior Delegate: Emma Scilini - escilini@hotmail.com
Sunbury Dodgers
Junior Delegate: Ben Metcalf - dodgersjuniordelegate@gmail.com
Senior Delegate: Ryan Montgomery - ryan.mont@gmail.com
Gisborne Bulldogs
Junior Delegate: Davis Olive - juniordelegate.gbbc@gmail.com
Senior Delegate: Christian Mudd - seniordelegate.gbbc@gmail.com
Sunbury Lions
Junior Delegate: Glenn Wallace
- lionsjuniordelegate@outlook.com
Senior Delegate: Brooke Whyte - lionsseniordelegate@outlook.com
Riddells Creek - RCR
Junior Delegate: Renee Griffiths - jdelegate.rcbc@gmail.com
Senior Delegate: Jenny Hagan - sdelegate.rcbc@gmail.com
Ruperstwood Sharks
Junior Delegate: Neale Fleming - neale.fleming@scania.com
Senior Delegate: Mandy Bell - bell10@bigpond.com
Sunbury Saints
Junior Delegate: Haydn Jones
Senior Delegate: Matt Baird - matt.baird@donric.com.au
Sunbury Superoos
Junior Delegate: Michael Betson - michael.betson@bigpond.com
Senior Delegate: Paul Smith-Jones - p_smithjones@yahoo.com.au